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What do Jews Expect from Christians?

Writer's picture: Joseph ShulamJoseph Shulam

Praying at the Western Wall
Praying at the Western Wall

Joseph Shulam

Aug 2, 1985

In 1945, Rabbi Kook, who was to become the chief Rabbi of Israel, published posthumously the book of Rabbi Benjamin Ha-Levy Balzak, Rabbi Kooks' father-in-law. The book was called "Torah's Ha-Adam."  The subject of the book was Yeshua and the Gospel. Why would an honorable Jewish Rabbi deal with such a "Christian Subject"? In the introduction of the book, Rabbi Balzak explains:

"When we delve deep into the teaching of Yeshu Ha-Notzri', as they are set before us in the NT,  and judge according to those words, this very heavy topic, without prejudice, "for the judgment is to God," we'll decide: that it is true that his teaching was spread around the World by the disciples, against his will. But, this teaching has had good influence upon the nations, to leave idolatry and worship God, to abandon the evil measures of immorality, and seek life, justice and mercy, and the source from which it was teaches, that is the Torah of Israel."

He said that He was King Messiah, a statement that in those days was considered rebellion against Rome, and they were looking for an excuse to attack the people of Israel as one of those who rebelled against the empire. The Sanhedrin under Chaifas took counsel to kill him because they were afraid for what would happen to them with Rome. (see John 11:50: 'It is better for you that one man should die, rather that many would die.'

Those terrible days that our nation has just undergone. This period, which we will call "the time of enlightenment," is a time when the light of reason is beginning to shine in many of the nations of the World.

For this reason, I have said to myself that it is the imperative of the hour to write this book that will explain why our forefathers had to reject Yeshua and give an encouragement to the Gentiles to live according to the teaching of Yeshua. Because if they would live according to His teaching, the whole earth will be filled with the knowledge of God and the Children of God will see His glory. Above all this, the hate and enmity between people will cease, and even Israel will dwell safe forever."

It took courage to say such things during the Holocaust. The relationship between Israel and the Church has always been like a "Lover's Spat."  Israel cannot be Israel without the church. The church cannot be the church without Israel.

Why should Jews expect anything from Christians?

This is a question Jews have become accustomed to over the years. Many songs in Israel have been written throughout our short history as a modern nation that emotes: "The world does not care about us, and we don't give a damn about it."

The church and Israel have a common heritage in many areas. It is impossible to walk down the street and see someone who looks like you, has the same haircut, and dresses as you and ignore it. We have been attacked and persecuted by "Christians."  In "Christian" countries, Jews have lived, suffered, and made fortunes. Most of the Jewish World still lives in the West.

The church and Israel have the same objectives and the same enemies.

What do Jews expect from Christians?

Passive expectations of not being persecuted and forced to convert to Christianity.

Remember Rabbi Balzak's statement: " If the Christians would do what Yeshua commanded them, the world would be filled with the knowledge of God, and Israel shall dwell forever in peace."  Jews think that they ought to expect more from Christians than from the un-Christian World.

The key to all of the above is what Rabbi Balzak said: "If Christians would do what Yeshua Commanded."

They actively expect to join forces to fight our common enemies, materialism, Secularism, and Idolatry. As a result of the prophetic writings, they expect to see the Christian World supporting the causes of justice in the World.

The Catholic Church has done an excellent service to the Christian World with its works of benevolence and emphasis on ethical behavior. Jews would like to see Christians involved in issues that concern both of our communities. Issues like these obligate us as believers in One God to an ethical code and life that would make the World a more pleasant place to live, even when each side reserves the right to disagree on matters of faith and dogma.

An earnest expectation which Jews have of Christians is not to evangelize the Jews.

Not to do missionary work among them. Missionary work has tried to take Jews out of their community and into the "Church."  This has cut Jews off from their natural community. To put this bluntly, every Jew who becomes a "Christian" is one less Jew.

The methods of converting Jews by missionaries have been dishonest and have taken advantage of the weakness of those who are unlearned and poor. When this happens in any society, those who are strong in their faith always feel they must protect the weak. Money and "fringe Benefits" used by missionaries are points of pressure to convert and were standard practice in Israel until the anti-missionary laws were passed.

They are bewildered by Christians who do not hate them. But, Jews do expect Christians to live up to the Teachings of Yeshua, and this is the greatest challenge for all of us believers.

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