The Jerusalem Prayer List – (written) April 2nd, 2024
Copyright 2024 By Joseph Shulam
This week's prayer list is a little long. Please take your time; if you want to read it in increments, feel free to take your time. It is an important prayer list this week, and we need your prayers and participation in all that is going on in Israel and in and around the world.
I am still in Belo-Horizonte, Brazil. The conference is over, and today, April 2nd, 2024, the Lord willing, I will be flying from Brazil to the United States. This conference was very important and dealt with some of the most serious issues that the world, Israel, and the Jewish nation are facing NOW!
The first critical issue discussed is the restoration of the abused and lost souls from the period of the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisition. Let me give you a tiny and limited picture of my thoughts.
In 1478, the Catholic Monarchs, King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castile, established a special Tribunal called The Holy Office of the Inquisition. This office or court with such an innocent name, "The Holy Office of the Inquisition," was responsible for the murder and burning alive of tens of thousands of Jews from the Atlantic Ocean to the Persian Gulf.
Ferdinand and Isabella Were driven by some strange desire to get the Jews expelled from the Iberian Peninsula. After I watched a short Israeli documentary from Channel 2 about the Anussim, I learned those Jews who were forced to convert to Catholicism (Catholic Church) and lives made like hell are called Anussim. Annusim derives from the Hebrew word "Oness," which translates to English as "forced" – "Raped" – "Abused…." Jews were forced to convert to Catholicism, or their property was confiscated, their job denied, and for some, their lives would be taken by burning them in the middle of the city square.
1492 was the year Christofer Columbus sailed to look for India and began the world discovery age.
Our conference in the Har Zion building was one of the most successful conferences Netivyah and our brothers from Brazil, the Teaching from Zion Ministry (Ensinando de Siao), have ever held. The president of the UMJC, Mr. Jeff Seif, and Tony Aroyo, a master teacher in the UMJC, and his wife attended, participated, and gave wonderful teaching at the conference.
I was encouraged to see the UMJC participate in our conference in Belo-Horizonte. We, the Jewish Disciples of Rabbi Yeshua, our Messiah, can't afford to have a sectarian attitude, and we must open up our eyes and hearts and learn to work together for the greater good of the Jewish nation and God's Kingdom.
The second topic discussed at the conference was the war against antisemitism. Here I want you, dear prayer partners and supporters of both branches of Netivyah, the one in Israel and Netivyah International, to understand the importance of Netivyah International and understand the serious need for us, the Jewish Disciples of Yeshua worldwide to engage in the spiritual battle against the spirit of Haman from the book of Ester, and fight back until our so-called Christian brothers and sisters who are antisemites understand the following simple truths:
You can't worship the King of the Jews, Yeshua our Messiah, and sing praises to in the name of this Jew who was crucified on the Roman Cross with a crown of thorns smashed on his head till blood was running down his face and on the back of his neck from the thorns that were piercing his flesh with severe pain, and hate His people.
The problem with our Jewish no believing brothers is that they don't know yet that Yeshua of Nazareth is the most important Jew and King of the Jews in the history of God's holy people, even to this day. Yeshua, our Messiah! It would be suitable and better to say that the Messiah did more for Israel and the world than any other Jew in History. Think about these dear brothers and sisters.
The Bible was spread the whole world over, from the North Pole to the South Pole, and that Jew, Yeshua, spread the knowledge of God and the Shema Israel Adonai Eloheinu on the cross with the plaque above His head, singing and still today, "Shema Israel Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad!"
Our Jewish no believing brothers who fight antisemitism are crying and complaining against antisemitism only amongst ourselves. The battlefield is not just about us. The Antisemites, with their false and racist attitudes and hate, must know that we need to enter into those centers of false teaching and hate-spreading machines.
We need to speak inside churches to reeducate the world that hates us. Re Educate them to stand with Israel instead and with the soul of what and where you wanted it. The Jewish nation is standing against humans who hate us for just being who God made us, the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
The Jewish response against antisemitism has been very strange. Every antisemitic attack or Nazi terror and propaganda has been responded to by Jews, mainly complaining and crying that Nazi white supremacists were perpetuating hate crimes. Jews and Christians, and good citizens of the world must realize that Nazi hate and racism are not a Jewish problem. Nazi hate and terror against Jews, both individuals and small groups, is a Christian problem—a problem of Christianity as a global group.
The Nazi and White Supremacy groups that hate Jews have carried out physical and violent crimes against Jews, both individually and in a collective group, are a part of a human mosaic. This subculture started in the middle of the 18th Century in France and spread to Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy, and other Middle European countries.
The spread and the origins of Antisemitic attitudes and hate didn't come from God's Word, nor the Old or the New Testaments. The source of hate against Jews didn't come from the Jews. Jews, with all our faults, are not any better or worse than any other ethnic group in the world, both in our long history and modern centuries.
Those who hate Jews hate irrationally. They need no justification or logical reason to hate Jews. There have been attacks on old orthodox Jewish men and women and terrorism of Jewish communities, plain and simple, just because they are Jews. For this very reason, Jews in the USA and Europe are advised to stop wearing their Kippah[i] and Star of David Jewelry and Israeli flags on their lapels.
Violence against Jewish businesses has forced added security cameras to homes and businesses. Some Jewish companies in major cities in the USA and Western Europe have had to hire private guards to protect their homes and businesses.
In Brazil this last Saturday, we had one of the "hottest" senators from the Brazilian Parliament speak to our congress. He is a very dedicated friend of Israel and the Jewish people. Last week, he exposed to the Brazilian Senate the horrible and false accusation that the President of Brazil accused Israel.
We need your prayer support first, and second, we need your financial support. Those of you who have known me personally are witnesses to the fact that I seldom write about financial support. This time, I am writing to ask, beg, and recommend that you send financial support to Netivyah International (Former Netivyah USA). You can send your support, and if you are a US citizen, you can get your IRS credit.
Your contribution to this war against Jewish hate (Anti Semitism) is a huge and expensive proposition. We want to produce high-quality materials and publish them in different media. Media specific to the USA, Asia, Europe, and South Africa, as well as produce factual exposition of the evils of anti-Jewish attitudes and actions.
For us as disciples of Yeshua, the anti-Jewish hate that comes from Christians is a mark of shame and exposition of the bankruptcy of some Christian denominations and institutions.
It should be clear by tomorrow's sunrise that you can't say that you love Jesus and hate Jews. Because if you love Jesus, you must also love those whom He loves. He is the King of the Jews! There is no place in the whole of God's creation to hate any race, nation, or person, but how much more to hate the very nation and race of people who give us the Bible, the whole Bible, and our Messiah Yeshua of Nazareth.
It is extremely rare for me to ask for financial support. Dear brothers and sisters, It is enough that Israel as a country is threatened by Iran, like in the days of Queen Ester, to be wiped off the face of the Earth. Still, Christians who go to church on Sunday to spread lies and hate against the State of Israel and Jews is something that God himself is not going to forgive readily. The Word of God says about Israel and God's relationship to Israel:
"He found him in a desert land and in the wasteland, a howling wilderness; He encircled him, He instructed him, He kept him as the apple of His eye." (Deuteronomy 32:10 NKJV)
"Keep me as the apple of Your eye; Hide me under the shadow of Your wings…" (NKJV 7:8)
Keep my commands and live, And my law as the apple of your eye." (Psalms 17:8 NKJV)
"For thus says the LORD of hosts: "He sent Me after glory, to the nations which plunder you; for he who touches you touches the apple of His eye." (Zechariah 2:8 NKJV)
World History has proven these Biblical texts valid from the dawn of Israel's history. Who is more qualified and obligated to stand against that hate from the pits of hell?
Jewish disciples of Yeshua!!!!!
Don't touch the Apple of God's eye! Eyes are very sensitive, and touching the eye of God, according to these clear and well-understood texts in the Torah, the Writings, and the Prophets, should be a danger zone for Christians to walk into. Look at Biblical and modern history, see what happens in human history, and see how Israel has survived great empires that ruled for hundreds of years in God's world. When these nations started to mess with God's nation – they fell off like a streaking meteor through God's sky, never to be seen again!
Nations like Germany that in the first half of the 2Oth Century committed horrible acts against Israel, the Jewish people, and humanity have done the best they could to repent and pay back ( at least symbolically) for their national crimes. Germany has returned to being a very influential nation on the world stage and is successful both in business and the world stage of global politics and industrial power.
History has proven one sure thing. When nations become empires, the proverbial liquid goes to their heads, and their rulers imagine themselves as God. Disaster falls on the leaders and the population of their nation, and finally, they fall to the dust and feel the unforgiving hand of history slaps them down into the garbage cans of history. It has happened to significant and prosperous nations.
The nation of Israel is the only proof that there is a force beyond our reach and understanding controlling the forces of this world, from the storms to the earthquakes and the affairs of kings and knights. Yes, dear brothers, Israel's history is mapped by the words and revelations that the Creator God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, revealed to his prophets.
All Israel will be saved!"
Apostle Paul spoke these words in his letter to the Romans in chapter 11, but the good Apostle didn't invent them. Here are a few more times that God's promise was spoken, and in Israel's history of nearly 4000 years, there was more than one occasion when the hope of Israel was dim to the nation, but the bright light of God saved Israel by His grace even when we didn't deserve it.
"Happy are you, O Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by the LORD, The shield of your help And the sword of your majesty! Your enemies shall submit to you, And you shall tread down their high places." (Deuteronomy 33:29 NKJV)
"But Israel shall be saved by the LORD With an everlasting salvation; You shall not be ashamed or disgraced Forever and ever." (Isaiah 45:17 NKJV)
"Oh, that the salvation of Israel would come out of Zion! When the LORD brings back the captivity of His people, Let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad."
(Psalm 14:7 and Psalm 53:6 NKJV)
"Indeed He says, "It is too small a thing that You should be My Servant To raise up the tribes of Jacob, And to restore the preserved ones of Israel; I will also give You as a light to the Gentiles, That You should be My salvation to the ends of the earth.'". (Isaiah 49:6 NKJV)
Here is the Apostle Paul commenting on these promises from God to Israel's prophets in some of the nation's darkest moments!
"Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved." (Romans 10:1)
And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: "The Deliverer will come out of Zion, And He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob;" (Romans 11:26 NKJV)
If God is faithful and the God who keeps His promises, then Yes, all of Israel will be saved, redeemed, and restored physically to the land that God gave to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Israel will also return to the Father and creator of the world. The outcome of these texts and these words from the prophets and the Apostle Paul are of great importance not only for Israel but especially for those Christians who have believed the lies of Satan himself and that Israel will be destroyed and deleted from the face of the World. The antisemites of this world will have to eat their hat a little shortly after they sit on it and do their deed in it.
I am addressing this prayer list, especially to those good people filled with delusions of grandeur by the thousand and one nights and mesmerized by the shifting sands of Arabia and the belly-dancing Arabian beauties shaking their unshakable. Israel's hope is not in the USA or any other empire of man. Israel's hope is in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and His Unique Son, Yeshua, the son of David and Abraham. Israel's national anthem is HaTikvah – translated to English, HaTikvah means THE HOPE!
Christians who hate Jews must not know the Bible well enough to understand that their hate and discrimination against the Jewish people is precisely the opposite stance they should take. One of God's first and foremost promises to Abraham are these:
"I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the Earth shall be blessed." (Genesis 12:2-3 NKJV)
Let us look at these words of God together:
The promise is that God will make Abraham's seed, his children, and his dependents a great nation. If you were a skeptic, you could say, "Great nation?" When was Israel a great (big nation)? Well, the word "GREAT" doesn't have to carry with it the meaning of Big, Gigantic, and Huge! Is there any other nation in the history of the world like Israel?
Where were the nations that coexisted with the Hebrews in Egypt? Where are the Ethroscans who populated the Italy boot and the Phoenicians, the Amorites, and the Hittites from whom Abraham purchased the cave of Machpelah to bury his wife Sarah? Where are the Jebusites who inhabited Jerusalem before King David and his men conquered the city?
Israel is still speaking the language of Isaiah and Jeremiah, the prophets. If these ancient prophets of Israel came back today and walked the streets of Jerusalem, they would be understood by every kindergarten kid. (These prophets couldn't understand the children because they would not know what Bananas, the Internet, or Wi-Fi are.)
Even if I time traveled from ancient times to today, the 21st Century After Christ, is there any other nation of the size of Israel, both in population and the land mass, that has achieved as much as the Jewish nation has, even after one-third of that nation was murdered and massacred by the Nazi Germans just 75 years ago? Little Israel has more Nobel Prize winners than all the Arab countries worldwide. Israel has more industries, inventions, and academics who have written science textbooks than all the Muslims in the world. There are more inventions by Jews in the world, per capita, than any other nation in the world.
Yes, I understand that Israel's Greatness promised by God to Abraham is fulfilled, and it will continue to be fulfilled until the Messiah returns to Jerusalem. A band of slaves left Egypt with God's miracle power and the 10 plagues on Egypt. They came to the land of Canaan, which had seven foreign nations from Asia, Europe, and Africa.
This nation of ex-slaves produced prophets, poets, kings, and literature that has shaped the world. When I met the vice president of Wuhan, China, she said that she read the Bible and considered it the first communist book in history. She loves the Bible because it is the book that condemned slavery and gave the world the only moral code that stood by workers and not by masters. The band of slaves that left Egypt after being enslaved for nearly 200 years produced the Bible, gave birth to the Son of God, and gave us a code of law that stands for equality and justice for both the enslavers and the enslaved people. It is a truly great nation! This is why the world hates the Jews; this is why God chose that small nation to send His son to the world and save the world.
Christians ought to be the first to stand with Israel and trust in God's wisdom that He didn't choose Abraham and his seed to be His chosen people by accident or out of stupidity. He, our God, knew that this stubborn little nation was the only nation in the world that would be tough enough to take the GOOD NEWS to the whole world! God didn't make a mistake by choosing the Jews to be His Chosen people.
The book is not finished yet, dear brothers and sisters, and there is some mileage left on the old shoes of the descendants of those old Israelites who walked in the Sinai wilderness for 40 years. As the text says,
"And I have led you forty years in the wilderness. Your clothes have not worn out on you, and your sandals have not worn out on your feet."
(Deuteronomy 29:5 NKJV).
All Christians should know that the Bible is not some religious mumbo-jumbo mystical book of secrets that only the initiated can understand.
God gave the Jewish people His revelation from the first day of creation until the last day of this ball called Earth. He, the Lord who created all things, will have a New Earth and a New Heaven (Sky) for His saints to populate and enjoy the fellowship and joy of eternity for His saints, men like you and me, who are sanctified not with pride and the might of the human flesh, but by the Spirit of God that fills them and gives them, strength and hope and power to love and serve and prepare the human race for the cosmic encounter of the Messiah in the air welcoming Him home to Zion, on the Mount of Olives. The land of Israel is going to be His address.
What ought to be our logical conclusion from everything I have tried to share in a few words? This Jerusalem prayer List is a bit longer than most. But I also realize that so many Christians are out of focus and unsynchronized with God's Word and with God's Spirit. They seek instant gratification for their inpatient desire for success and material happiness for self gratification.
God's plan is always according to plan, and God's time is always on Time. Humanity doesn't have the kind of timekeeping watch that is always synchronized with God's "Rolex." Our lives are too short and limited to be able to understand eternity, but our eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord in the fulfillment of prophecy and the promises of God to the Children of Israel in the 20th and now in the 21st Centuries in such a vivid and accurate and precise manner that no one on this Earth that has even a little brain and a little logic can deny.
Antisemitism is so out of synchronization with Reality. I mean REALITY, which is what our eyes see and our ears hear on Television sets from Alaska to Cape Town, South Africa, or, if you wish, from Halifax to Antarctica. What do we see with our own eyes on Television?
1. We see a Jewish State flourishing and astonishing the world with technology and the invention of practical and military hardware based on software developed and invented by Jewish people in the land that God gave to Abraham and His seed as an everlasting possession.
2. We see a ocean of hate and a Tsunami of evil and cruelty that doesn't spare a baby from seeing his mother gang raped by a number of young Arabs and mutilated with a knife in the middle of being raped, piece by piece, and her other children are forced to watch. Like the proverbial Phoenix, the nation that experienced the massacre, rape, abuse, beheading, and burning alive of 1300 hundred innocent young and old men and women and little children, innocent people spreading their wings and flying like the Phoenix and calling for peace and exposing the evil of the terrorists and their masters in Teheran…
3. I am calling all Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Shinto followers, and Muslims with a conscience to join hands and say, enough bloodshed and enough killing babies and little children on all sides. Enough of the hate between the children of Abraham and their descendants, between the children of Isaac and Ishmael. We are cousins and neighbors, and we need each other to fulfill God's program for the salvation of the whole world.
You could say that I am a dreamer, but in my life, I have Arab brothers in Christ as well as Jewish brothers in Christ. I have Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Bulgarian, and Turkish brothers and sisters, not to mention the Americans from the USA and the Brazilians, Argentinians, Russians, and Eskimo from Alaska.
Yes, dear brothers I have brothers that share the dream of the Prophet Isaiah:
"Now it shall come to pass in the latter days That the mountain of the LORD'S house Shall be established on the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills; And all nations shall flow to it.
Many people shall come and say, "Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, To the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths." For out of Zion shall go forth the law, And the word of the LORD from Jerusalem." (Isaiah 2:2-3 NKJV)
The prophets of Israel thousands of years ago believed that the sons of Abraham, from Isaac and Ishmael, would be united and together bring GOOD NEWS to those pagan nations that don't know God and don't recognize Yeshua, the Messiah, and the Son of God who saves the world. I believe that the day will come when Jews, Arabs, and Christians live in peace in the land of Israel and build hospitals and clinics to take care of the sick and bring healing to the bodies and souls of those who are wounded by hate and racial discrimination. Jewish and Arab doctors and nurses will continue to bring healing and medications to those who need restoration of their health and lives.
I have seen this happening in Israel in every hospital and every clinic: Jews, Arab Christians, and Muslims working hard in the surgery room to save the lives of babies that have been carried by hand from Iraq to Jerusalem by a member of our congregation. Yes, I have seen the future on a miniature scale. Still, according to the prophets, it will be working and serving on a global scale even before Yeshua returns; at least, I hope and dream this dream and believe it can become a reality.
Faithful Jews and Christians will have to condemn all and every racial hate and antisemitism.
Christians should always be on the side of truth. And investigate and stand in support of the victims of racial discrimination, injustice, and persecution of innocent people regardless of their religion, color, or race. We can't be silent and neutral when we see discrimination and abuse of power because someone is Muslim or a Jew, or Christian, or Buddhist.
2. Tolerance must be our DNA, and in every case, True Christians have to take the side of truth and stand with those suffering from racism. There were Christians who stood with the Jews and even died in the gas chambers of Nazi German Concentration Camps. Here is a short list:
André Trocmé and Magda Trocmé: French Protestant pastors who led the village of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon in sheltering thousands of Jews during the Holocaust.
Oskar Schindler: A German industrialist who saved over 1,200 Jews by employing them in his factories and protecting them from deportation.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A German Lutheran pastor and theologian who was involved in the resistance against the Nazi regime and was executed for his participation in a plot to assassinate Hitler.
Corrie ten Boom: A Dutch Christian who, along with her family, helped many Jews escape the Nazis by hiding them in their home and assisting them in finding safe houses. (Corrie ten Boom's son and family even visited our congregation in Jerusalem when it was tiny and met in the Baptist house in Jerusalem.
Raoul Wallenberg: A Swedish diplomat who saved tens of thousands of Jew
s in Hungary by issuing protective passports and providing shelter and safe passage.
The Torah reading on This Shabbat is from the portion called Sh'mini, from Leviticus 9:1 – 11:47
The Prophets from Ezekiel 45:16 – 46:18,
The New Testament reading from Luke 22:1-13.
I realize that I spoke much about the issue of antisemitism. The impossible situation of Christians who worship the King of the Jews, The Messiah who was circumcised on the 8th day, as the Gospel of Luke states so clearly in chapter 2, and at the same time hate Jews and believe the lies of the Muslims who have no problem lying to the "infidels" ( Jews and Christians, and anyone that is not a Muslim.) This is so serious that we all must mobilize and join hands to stop this horrible contradiction between logic and reason. How could you love the Messiah and hate His brothers and sisters, His nation, and God's chosen people that were and are and will continue to be even to the end of this world? This is according to the Torah, the Prophets, the Psalms and writings, and the New Testament to the end of the book of Revelation.
I want to share with you one verse from the Torah portion and one verse from the book of Ezekiel. The reason that I am bringing this text is because it deals with the honesty and righteousness of the government, the ruler of the people and the standard that the Word of God requires from the ruler:
'Thus says the Lord God: "Enough, O princes of Israel! Remove violence and plundering, execute justice and righteousness, and stop dispossessing My people," says the Lord God. "You shall have honest scales, an honest ephah, and an honest bath. The ephah and the bath shall be of the same measure, so that the bath contains one-tenth of a homer, and the ephah one-tenth of a homer; their measure shall be according to the homer. The shekel shall be twenty gerahs; twenty shekels, twenty-five shekels, and fifteen shekels shall be your mina. "(Ezekiel 45:9-12 NKJV)
Please notice how exactly everything is stated and clearly how much every shekel is to value. God is not only a God of the big things and influential leaders. The God of Abraham is a God to all the people, and the requirements for honesty and righteousness are for all people, from the King down to the clown. I love God's simple and straightforward word through the Prophet for the people. The exact measurements for every measure, the shekel, and the Gerah are other measures of grain sold by volume in the marketplaces of Israel. So is Mina and the Ephah. I love it because it is so simple and just and shows our God to seek justice, righteousness, and administration from the top ruler, the King, to the merchant in the marketplace who sells wheat or beans!
Just think how much more our God cares about people, how we deal with each other, and how we value that we are all created according to His image.
I am thinking of those poor hostages who are in cages many meters underground, without light from the Sun or Moon and proper food and water. People that Hamas value less than their chickens running around their fancy luxurious villas in the middle of the poverty and depravity of Gaza, even before this war began!
If you are an American citizen and need the 503 C1 Tax credit for your contribution, please donate via https://www.netivyahinternational.org/support-us.
For all who want to fight antisemitism and restore the Annusim, the victims of the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisition, to their true identity and to come back home to the land of Israel, we need your help in Netivyah International because we are making this war for justice and truth one of our major projects and activities. If you want to join this battle, please donate at https://www.netivyahinternational.org/support-us.
Don't neglect our ministry's daily needs in Israel, The Netivyah Bible Instruction Ministry, with the food program Hamotzi and the students and the soldiers. These projects can be contributed to via netivyah.org directly to Israel at https://netivyah.org/donate
We appreciate the boots-on-the-ground work in Israel, and every dollar, yen, or sterling contributed to Israel will reach its goal in Jerusalem. God bless you all for praying for us and sharing your goodness and financial help. Every dollar is for the salvation of Israel and the world. The people who have known me for a long time know that I only ask brothers and sisters to help with funds very rarely and only for special projects.
Now, with these new burdens that the Lord had put on my shoulders, I must do everything to fight and resist Antisemitism inside the churches and bring peace and reconciliation between those ignorant of God's word in traditional Christianity espoused by the high Roman Catholic Church, the Greek Orthodox Church, and a few old traditional churches.
I hope that these people who encourage violence against and killing of Jews on the Streets of major European Cities are doing this out of sheer ignorance. I bless those who hate anyone, Jews or Arabs, with the opportunity to repent and turn around and understand that the New Testament Christianity gives no ground or reason to hate anyone. Jew or Arab, Black or White, Red or Yellow. Join the battle against antisemitism, anti-Jewish, and just plain racial discrimination against any race or ethnicity.
Please help us write, publish, record, and travel around the world and condemn the senseless hate against any race, but above all, the hate of Jews or Arabs. I have a great experience with Arabs, both Christians and Muslims, whom I consider my brothers.
We need your help in both prayer and financial aid to go into this battle effectively and with good results. Good results are when those who hate Jews or Arabs, Blacks or Whites repent and ask God for forgiveness and, above all, ask for God to help those who hate to turn from enemies of the Jewish people into friends and partners in peace as the tie that binds us together as children of our Father, Abraham. I sincerely look forward to cooperating and partnering with our brothers in Israel in this significant challenge and essential challenge. When I say "our brother in Israel," I am speaking for brothers from Netivyah Bible Instruction Ministry who are both Jews and non-Jews sharing the peace of God that passes all understanding and also our old friends who are Palestinian Arab brothers in the Lord who share the same word and vision for the future of God's people. Those who share the message of peace and strive to renew our warm and dedicated brotherly love as messengers of peace and reconciliation with each other by the power of the blood of the Messiah who can make peace between us as children of Abraham coming hope to be with our Messiah and King in Jerusalem forever!
Please add the following prayer requests to the list:
Joseph Shulam has been diagnosed with cancer in the spleen, pancreas, the lungs and the stomach. Please pray for Joseph Shulam and for Marcia Shulam. They both need prayer and intervention from Heaven for their strength and healing.
During the very important conference in Brazil, one of our Chinese brothers felt convicted by God to help build the second floor for the only Museum of the Spanish and Portuguese victims of the Catholic Church. A dear Chinese brother is committed to give 30,000 US dollars as matching funds for the building of the second floor of the Museum. The total cost of the project is estimated at 120,000 US dollars. This second floor will provide space for research of the Sephardi community to research their genealogies and find out their Jewish roots and heritage. We in Netivyah International are asking brothers and sisters worldwide to contribute to a special fund for this Museum. From the very beginning of this Museum, it was one of the most exciting projects for the preparation and foundation for the fulfillment of the words of God in the revelation to the Prophet Obadiah;
" And the captives of this host of the children of Israel Shall possess the land of the Canaanites As far as Zarephath. The captives of Jerusalem who are in Sepharad Shall possess the cities of the South. Then saviors shall come to Mount Zion To judge the mountains of Esau, And the kingdom shall be the Lord's." (Obadiah 1:20-21)
These funds for the building of the second floor of the Museum in Belo-Horizonte are much needed because this project is not just an issue of building another Jewish Museum; it is a project for the enhancement and fulfillment of Obadiah's prophecy and bringing millions of Sephardic Jews from around the world to return home to Israel and settle the Negev Desert. This is the only just and righteous response to the events of October 7th, 2023. The only response to the terrorists who wanted to drive Jews away from the northern Negev is bring millions of Jews who have been denied their freedom to be who they are by the Catholic Church. Allow them to return home physically and spiritually. So, dear brothers, pray and prepare to contribute to the building of the research center on the second floor of the only Museum of the Inquisition in the Americas. For now, start praying and preparing your heart to contribute; no amount is too small or too big. Our Chinese brother will contribute 30,000 dollars when a matching 30,000 dollars is collected.
Look for more details on this project in the next JPL. (The letters JPL stand for Jerusalem Prayer List – here, but they also stand for the Jet Propulsion Lab of the USA military and NASA in Pasadena, California. The Lord is willing, this project will be Jet-propelled, and the research and study center will become a reality quickly.) It is much needed to forward the fulfillment of the prophecy that is waiting to open doors to millions of Jews who were hidden in the blood and ashes of the executions of innocent people under the shadow of the cross.
Don't think that I or our brothers in Brazil or our brothers in Asia are fighting the Catholic Church of Today.
Significant and important developments in the Catholic Church occurred after the declaration of Nostra Etate by the Pope about 20 years ago. Orthodox Rabbis worldwide have responded very favorably to this act of courage and justice by the Catholic Church. I have very favorable things to say about the Jewish Catholic Priests in Israel who were deposited by their families in Catholic Monasteries and saved by the Nuns and Priests when their families were burned in the Nazi camps.
The Catholic clergy sent so many of these children to Israel to immigrate and start a new life. Among these children, we have Military Generals, Zionist leaders, writers and professors in the Universities, and Pioneers who fought in the Palmach to rebuild the Land of Israel.
We need two more people to match the 30,000 dollars or a part of it for this very special God's Holy Spirit to help, especially when we embark on such an important and urgent matter. Urgency because the new generations, the grandchildren of those old Sephardic families, are so embroiled in the modern secular, modernistic, immoral Western culture that if we don't do something about the Anussim and the Negev Desert in one or two generations, the interest of the dependents of these families that still have a latent memory of their origins will be lost under the blanket of Hollywood incantations.
Please pray for the State of Israel and our government and leaders. Israel is not only under the attack of October 7th, 2023, but also under an internal attack that is consuming the very soul of what it means to be an Israeli and to live in a democracy that is built on individual freedoms. Freedoms that are being eroded from day to day. We need God's intervention for the political and economic health of the State of Israel, the only State on the face of this Earth that is a homeland not from 100 years ago but from 4000 years of history and a bond signed and delivered by the Creator God Himself specifically for the sons of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob….
God bless you all. Please pray!
[i] Kippah is the small round hats that Jews wear on top of their heads, and those who don't have hair glued with tape as a sign of identity that the Christian Antisemites in Eastern Europe forced them to wear long before the Nazi Germans forced the Jews in Europe wear the yellow Star of David.