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The Jerusalem Prayer List –  15 February, 2025

Writer's picture: Joseph ShulamJoseph Shulam

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By Joseph Shulam

The readings in the last few Shabbats have been some of the most dramatic in the whole Torah. This Shabbat's reading is doubly drastic. There is the divine heavenly theatre, including the pyrotechnics, including fire and wind, and the people hearing God Himself speaking the 10 commandments from on top Mount Sinai, and the people below hear the voices and experience tongues of fire and Mount Sinai shaking….


On Shabbat, we will read from the Torah portion of Yitro, named after a non–Israelite pagan priest who was Moses's father–in–law. In the Torah, Yitro is called a priest of Midian. 


The reading is from Exodus 18:1-20:23


From the prophets, we will read from Isaiah 6:1-7 and 9:5-6.   


From the Gospels, we will read from Matthew 19:16-26.   


The common thread running through Exodus 18:1–20:23, Isaiah 6:1–7, Isaiah 9:5–6, and Matthew 19:16–26 is the theme of divine revelation, holiness, and the call to obedience in response to God's presence and commandments.


Here's how these passages connect:


1. Exodus 18:1–20:23 

This section includes Jethro's advice to Moses on leadership (Exodus 18); it is highly unusual for a Pagan Priest of Midian to advise on leadership and administration to Moses just before the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai. Consider the occasion a lesson against racial prejudice. 

We often forget that all flesh of every color and race is a product of God's creation. We don't know what color Adam was or the color of Eve. What we do know is that in the first chapters of Genesis, sin is introduced on the face of God's earth and continues to grow and mature in 10 chapters; God regretted that He created humankind and flooded the world. Now, in our Torah portion, Israel is redeemed out of Egyptian slavery but not out of sin and iniquity. 


There is no encounter with holiness without preparations. Our Torah portion narrates the preparation for the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai (Exodus 19), and the giving of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20). The overarching theme is God's revelation at Sinai, emphasizing His holiness, the people's call to obedience, and the requirement of righteousness in their relationship with God and each other. This principle is evidenced throughout the whole Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.  


Moses also learned that to be a leader is to be a servant of the people. God commands Israel to prepare for the giving of the Torah for three days. The preparation was creating spiritual space, which is a pure space. The space around us is usually full of worldly pleasures and needs to be cleansed of the malice of our hearts. 


Exodus 20 sets the immense drama of receiving the Torah from God, speaking it from the mountain. If we pay attention closely to chapter 20 of Exodus, we immediately see the relationship between the Giving of the Torah to Israel and Acts chapter 2, the giving of the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem.  


2. Isaiah 6:1–7 

The prophet Isaiah envisions God's holiness in the temple, where he sees the Lord high and exalted, the seraphim proclaiming, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts." Isaiah realizes his own sinfulness and is purified by the burning coal from the altar. This passage highlights God's holiness, human inadequacy, and the need for purification to stand before Him, similar to Israel's preparation at Mount Sinai.


3. Isaiah 9:5–6 

Isaiah prophesies a coming Messianic King who will establish justice, righteousness, and peace. This prophecy is often linked to the expectation of divine rulership and the fulfillment of the Torah through the Messiah, which connects to both the giving of the Torah at Sinai and Yeshua.


4. Matthew 19:16–26 

The story of the rich young ruler who asks Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus tells him to keep the commandments but ultimately challenges him to give up his wealth and follow Him. The parable reflects the Sinai moment—where the Israelites were given commandments but also had to commit themselves fully to God. It also connects to Isaiah 6, where Isaiah recognizes his unworthiness, just as the young man realizes the challenge of true discipleship.


Revelation of God's Holiness 

At Sinai, in Isaiah's vision, the prophecy of the Messiah and Jesus' teaching God's Holiness is revealed, and the Call to Obedience and Righteousness is made to Israel. The nation receives the commandments, Isaiah is purified and commissioned, the Messiah brings justice, and Jesus calls for total commitment to God.


At Sinai and in Isaiah's vision, the Angels in the Holy of Holies in the temple in Jerusalem cry out loud: "Holy, Holy, Holy is God Lord Almighty." They witness and feel God's presence and are filled with fear, extenuating God's Holiness and putting fear and respect in the human heart.


The necessities of Following God

Whether at Sinai, in Isaiah's call, or during the Messianic era, the Messianic prophecies and teachings of Yeshua and the Apostles are the response to God's holiness, which is not just belief but obedience and transformation.


The response to God's holiness is not just belief but obedience, transformation, and respect (fear) being in the presence of the Lord's Holy Spirit. 

The Call to Obedience and Righteousness

 Israel receives the commandments, and in the Holy of Holies in the Jerusalem temple, Isaiah is purified with a firebrand on his lips.


Here is the text of the giving of the Torah at Mt Sinai! We must remember that the day of Pentecost is the day of the giving of the Torah from God to Moses and Israel on the feast of Pentecost. 

(Exodus 20:18-22 NKJV)

“Now all the people witnessed the thunderings, the lightning flashes, the sound of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking; and when the people saw it,they trembled and stood afar off. Then they said to Moses, “You speak with us, and we will hear; but let not God speak with us, lest we die.”

And Moses said to the people, “Do not fear; for God has come to test you, and that His fear may be before you, so that you may not sin.” So the people stood afar off, but Moses drew near the thick darkness where God was.

Then the LORD said to Moses, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel: ‘You have seen that I have talked with you from heaven.”

(Acts 2:1-4 NKJV)

“When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”



Often, in Messianic congregations in the Diaspora, the issue of respect for the Torah and the use of the Holy Spirit is not taken seriously enough. From our reading on this Shabbat of this Torah portion from Exodus, we endanger ourselves and our lives for not fearing the encounter with God and the Holy Spirit.  


Isaiah 6: 

"In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple. Above it stood seraphim; each one had six wings: with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.

And one cried to another and said: "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!" And the posts of the door were shaken by the voice of him who cried out, and the house was filled with smoke.

So I said: "Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, And I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; For my eyes have seen the King, The LORD of hosts." Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar.

And he touched my mouth with it, and said: "Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged." Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: "Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here am I! Send me." And He said, "Go, and tell this people: 'Keep on hearing, but do not understand; Keep on seeing, but do not perceive.'" (Isaiah 6:1-9 NKJV)

Read these texts and pray for God's Spirit to help you understand how to deal with them in your own life. We should all seek the Lord and praise Him for giving us the Torah and the Spirit of Holiness to help us understand. Amen!


The Prayer List

Your prayers for brothers and sisters you don't know personally are pure love and building of the Body of the Messiah. It is Agape Love since you are doing this without any selfish interests and casting a vote in Heaven for someone who is your brother. Still, you don't know them, and God looks at these prayers that are unselfish and genuine expressions of love and care for another link in the long chain of love and faith that binds us together even though we might not know each other in this world. 

When we all get to Heaven, it will be a joy to meet people we prayed for and sometimes even cried for. Brothers and sisters who are physically strangers but spiritually a part of the same body of Christ, I believe that one day we will have the privilege to sit together and share: "I remember praying for you to be healed!" "I remember praying for you to be safe when you were fighting in Gaza to free the hostages from the cruel hands of the terrorists of the Hamas in Gaza." 

Pray for the following brothers and sisters who need divine grace and the gentle touch of the hand of God for healing and strength.

In Jerusalem: 

The Captive.  who would have imagined we would be in 2025 talking about humanity repeatedly treating humans worse than animals.  Keep the families of those held by Hamas in your prayers.  Pray for a quick resolution to bring those held captive.  Pray Proclaim the release to the captive and Liberation to the imprisoned.

Joseph & Marcia Shulam 

update Mom has had another 10 days of saline IV perscribed.  We have noticed some improvement with that. Continue to pray for an improvement in mom's strength and appetite.  Dad needs prayers for his pain and the huge task of taking and organizing medical meetings for mom.

Ilana Ahijervie is a dear sister who is 99 years old and suffering from memory problems.

Please pray for our dear sister, Lea Kurkey.

Pray for Adam's father and mother, Barry and Dalia. They have some health problems and challenges.

Pray for Miriam a dear sister old age dementia.

Pray for Um Mahmud Abu-Eid, Jimmy Abu-Eid, and all of the family. This is a dear family of old friends that needs healing and wisdom for the children and for their work.

Please pray for the Romero family, who live deep in the Negev desert. It is hot there, and they are far from our congregation, and we miss them.

In the U.K.:

Pray for Deborah Isaiah. I pray for the Lord to find Deborah Isaiah and lead her to a blessed life, family, and a solution to her problems.

In Finland: 

Mauno Lemponen has been diagnosed with cancer in advanced stages. We are asking for God's Will to be done, giving him healthy days with family—prayers for Hilka, Miika, and Ester, who support each other. 

Pray for Keijo and Salme, our dear partners and fellow workers in God's flock. Both Keijo and Salme have some challenging heart issues.

Pray for Satu-Maria, Sinni Tuuli, Anne Mirjami, our dear sisters

Pray for Eva H., Patty, Andrea, Julia, Victor, Aaron Tani, and Hillel.

In Italy:

Roberto has reached out on behalf of his friend Nicoletta B whose father has passed way recently.  Please pray for her spirit as she struggles with such loss.

In Ethiopia:

Diu G. has been sick with meningitis and he and his family are all in need of prayers for strength and healing to help him.

In Brazil:

Max is anxious waiting for a court decision regarding documentation on his families jewish roots. Please keep Max and the courts outcome in your prayers.

Pray for a dear young man, Paulo, from Curitiba, Brazil, who seriously needs our prayers for sanity and mental health.

Pray for a dear sister named Claudia Rita Souze Arau. She has cancer and needs God's healing hands to touch her with healing. 

Pray for Fatima Maria Docarmo Guimararaes - pray for her health and her granddaughters' twin babies.

Guilherme Antonio Nothen Becker is suffering from back problems.

Aratuza de Oliveira and his wife. Pray for their 3-year-old child, Caique de Oliveira Becker, who has severe problems with his eyes, and ask the Lord to give healing to his eyes. 


In Asia:

Pray for Pastor TJ in Taiwan.

Pray for Deborah Ruth, a dear sister from China.

Pray for Sister Yoko Nagumo in Japan.

Tony Tam, his wife Luisa, and his son Marco need special prayers for their situation.

We continue to pray for Zhou Wenrian, the Abe family, Toru San, Yumi Ohara, and her family: Deborah Ruth, Ayla, Daniel, and their daughter. 

Pray for Dr. Song and his wife, Sister Harriet Kim and the KIBI Ministry.


In the United States of America:

update Chris W is currently have a difficult time finding employment. he has applied for for some additional jobs and has some interviews this week.  Please keep him in your prayers.  Employment for those in the 50s sometimes is difficult.

Manny is asking for prayers for his fathers health that is in decline.

Shirleyann called to say thank you and share good new.  still has health issues. due to weather medical appointments have been canceled.  Please pray for a schedule on heart tests.  Please lift Jordan Issac (great great nephew) in prayer his physical and mental needs.

Pete and Marge.  Marge is undergoing test for Brest cancer and they are in the process of trying to get legal guardianship of their grandkids. They are both in the mid 80s.  Please pray for strength and longevity to get these kids past college age.

Jose needs your prayers for a blessing on his marriage to grow stronger and prayers for the birth of a Son.

update Pat A. has retuned home and is recovering from the skin graft surgery.

Aida Ramirez is 98 years old and suffering from first stages of dementia.  Also her daughter Aida Gonzalez needs prayer for strength and Gods grace and protection as she is taking care of her mother.

Pat S needs prayers for the pains she is experiencing from a pinched nerve,   Philip her husband of 67 years is a dedicated man of God who is caring for her diligently - please keep them both in prayers. We are praying for a better treatment for the pain management.

Jerry Rogers - a long time prayer warrior and supporter in Dallas has been diagnosed with cancer.  he is starting treatments and we lift up his doctors and medical team & family in prayer.  

Larry is asking for prayers for his grandchildren.  I would say most of us that have grandchildren are concerned about the states of the world.  The state of intolerance.  The temptations out there.  Please pray for the holy sprit to guide them in making good choices.

Bill C. had last chemo treatment however an immunotherapy treatment will last out to mid year..  Please pray a thanks to God and continue to ask for success of the treatments and for Bill to regain his energy.

Juli's blood counts still need to improve.  She is awaiting for the next scans.   Please give a prayer for positive results.

Barbra and  Angie in Alaska. Barbra has some pains and discomfort related to old age. Please lift them in prayer for strength and reduction in pain.

Please pray for Danah, my daughter's health issues. I pray for the Lord to give Danah wisdom, peace, and calm in life and her work.

Aaron Hook, Nancy Hook's oldest son, needs our prayers for wisdom and healing from past life issues.

Lift for blessing and healing Jonathan B., his wife Aviva, their new baby, his mother, and his brother Daniel. 

Pray for these important men of God: Rabbi Salt, his family, and Rabbi Hasselblad. They are both older and need protection and blessings.

pray for Ilana Avramov, who is married to my cousin Nissim and lives in New York City. Ilana is home now. We pray for her full recovery. She and Nissim both need our prayers. 

Pray for Steve Mock - His cognitive condition has declined, and we ask for the grace of God and His Healing and strength.   Steve and Josie's son Joseph has received a wonderful and glorious report. After the last bone marrow transplant, the report is that the doctors didn't find any leukemia in his body! Praise the Lord! 

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