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Resolutions are a waste of time

Writer's picture: Beth JennibetBeth Jennibet

Where did this tradition of making New Years Resolution originate? For me it is a waste of time. And let's be honest, how many of us really keep them? Taking retrospect of the previous year's events can be an act of motivation, or depression depending on your personality.

The only human I've met that had made a decision to start or stop something and follow through with it is my father. He quit smoking when I was a little kid cold turkey and never touched one again. He stuck with every weight loss regime he ever tried.

Me. Nope. I like the idea of a new year of positive change, but I'm terrible in the execution. Honestly, the execution is non existent.

Instead, maybe change needs to be approached in baby steps. Choose a small attainable goal to implement. Like, make up the bed every morning. Or, stop buying add ons for your mobile game obsession.

Or, better yet, how about smile at a stranger every time you shop at the grocery store. Give your spouse a kiss every time you walk by them. Text your child ( because that's the only way they will acknowledge you), and tell them how awesome and special and important and loved they are.

Small acts of kindness can turn out to be giant steps towards healing another person.

The writer of Proverbs puts it like this:

"Anxiety in a person's heart weighs him down,

but a kind word cheers him up" (Proverbs 12:25, CJB)

But, if you are still intent on making those New Year's resolutions, the Proverbs writer also has something to say to you:

"A person may plan his path,

buy ADONAI directs his steps." (Proverbs 16:9, CJB)

Don't forget to ask The Creator for guidance on what is best for your life's journey.

"Trust in Adonai with all your heart;

do not rely on your own understanding.

 In all your ways acknowledge him;

then he will level your paths. (Proverbs 3:5,6, CJB)


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