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Passover Recipes - Charoset

It is time to start thinking about Passover! April 22nd. I will be posting several of my Passover specialties in the next two weeks!

Twenty-six years ago when Barry and I were newlyweds I had no experience with making the seder plate and its special Charoset. Barry explained what it looked and tasted like and what Marcia used to make it. So, I experimented until I came up with something that while doesn't look so appealing, is quite tasty. So, here it is.......

ingredients for charoset on a cutting board
Charoset prep

Copyright 2024 Elizabeth Shulam

Southern Charoset

Prep time: 15 minutes

Servings: 6-8


2 or 3 medium apples, shredded

3 bananas, mashed

finely chopped nuts, I use pecans or walnuts

1/4 cup red wine or port


sugar to taste


  • Shred the apples with a grater. (Stop grating at the core). add to a medium sized bowl.

  • Mash the bananas and add to the bowl.

  • Add your finely chopped nuts.

  • Mix all this up in the bowl.

  • Add your wine/port slowly to the consistency your prefer.

  • Add the cinnamon and mix more.

  • This is the most unappealing looking dish, dont be alarmed!!

  • Refrigerate until ready to eat.


  • Charoset is adaptable based on what is available in your part of the world. Don't be afraid to substitute.

  • Some like it dry, some like it wet. I don't judge.

charoset on a matzah
Finished Charoset

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