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My First Rambling

Writer's picture: Beth JennibetBeth Jennibet

Updated: Dec 25, 2023

Well. I have no idea what this blog will become or what rabbit holes it will go down, but along the way, I pray and wish that it will be uplifting and informative to someone.

I read a lot. Perhaps I'll review books. Or perhaps something in current events will spark an idea. Or maybe a recipe or two? They say to be intentional about your purpose on a blog, but that defies the definition of a ramble. And I have never been too good at listening to the "theys" anyway!!!

I will leave you with the scripture that means the most to me:

Matthew 22 :37-40.

Yeshua said unto him, Thou shalt love the L-rd thy G-d with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

This is the first and great commandment.

And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

My whole life's spiritual journey and belief system hinges on these four verses. Boiled down to the basics, Jesus says Love G-d and Love other people. And not just a rainy day friend kind of love, but a deep full body love experience. Your mind and heart and soul are all engaged in thoughts about G-d and His powerful creation and plan. A love that transforms and moves your life into the next commandment to be a servant to others. Loving humans individually, where they are in their life journey . No judgment, just a concern for their wellbeing and treating them with the respect and compassion you want for yourself.

As simple as these two commandments are, we humans find numerous ways to make everything more complicated. We put so many barriers around our fellow man. Allow everyone the same room to Love G-d in their own way. We are very quick to show bias, favoritism, pridefulness, and bigotry towards others. Allow everyone the dignity they deserve as a miraculous creation of G-d. Don't be that person who makes someone else lose their Love for G-d. Strive to be kind and benevolent and merciful. You will be happier if you do!!!

1 Comment

Dec 25, 2023

Well said!

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