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Jerusalem Prayer List _ August 30, 2024

Writer's picture: Joseph ShulamJoseph Shulam

The Jerusalem Prayer List –  30 August, 2024

by Joseph Shulam -  From Jerusalem Israel // Mevaseret Zion

Every week, we read the Torah portion and the text from the prophets, which usually corresponds thematically with the Torah portion and a section from the New Testament that has some connection or reference to the Torah reading of the same Shabbat.  This next Shabbat is the last Shabbat of August 2024. The Torah portion in Hebrew is Re'eh (in English, a command "SEE!"  "Watch" – or "look").  

We will be reading like all of Israel from the following texts:

We will read from Deuteronomy 11:26 – 16:17.  

From the prophets (The Haftarah) is read from Isaiah 54:11 – 55:5.

We will be reading from the New Testament,  John 6:35-51.   

I can't say enough about the importance for every disciple of Yeshua to read from the Torah and the Prophets and the New Testament, at least on Shabbat – as it is commanded and recommended by the apostles for all Jews in the synagogues and non Jewish disciples in the churches on Sunday morning (or at home.) I have known only one church of Christ preacher for many years and consider him a friend who practiced this command every Sunday in the church that he was preaching outside of Chicago – Dr. James Tabor!

 It was essential and recommended in the book of Acts 15:20-21 for all Christian people to go to synagogue and hear the Torah reading.   Some Christians argue if the text from Acts 15 20-21 is really a command that the apostles in Jerusalem gave to the non-Jewish disciples, but merely a recommendation.  Here it is – judge for yourselves. 

"Known to God from eternity are all His works. I judge that we should not trouble those from among the Gentiles who are turning to God but that we write to them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from things strangled, and from blood. For Moses has had those who preach him in every city throughout many generations, being read in the synagogues every Sabbath."   (Acts 15:18-21 NKJV)


The first question that should be asked from this text is this: why was it necessary for the apostles in Jerusalem to send the Gentile believers to the synagogues to hear Moses = the Torah read in public? The answer to this question is simple, but most Christians don't get it.  The simple reason is that people and whole communities didn't physically possess scrolls of the entire Torah in Biblical times.   How else would they have been able to hear and learn the Word of God?  God's Word from Genesis to Revelation is the only divine charter and constitution. The only basis and map that, as disciples of Yeshua, must guide us into a life of righteousness and holiness!


The central theme from our Torah reading this Shabbat is emphasizing the next generations. Fifty such texts in the Bible emphasize God's care and interest in children and the next generations.  In the last few months, I have heard from families of leaders in the body of Christ that their children are not very interested in the faith of their forefathers.  A considerable percentage of the children of leaders are no longer interested in the faith of their fathers and mothers.  We have two such cases in our congregation, and these children of leaders are lost to the Kingdom of God.  Here are a few texts that are repeated in our Torah reading on this Shabbat and to the end of Deuteronomy: 

Deut. 12:25 You shall not eat it, that it may go well with you and your children after you when you do what is right in the sight of the LORD.

Deut. 12:28  Observe and obey all these words which I command you, that it may go well with you and your children after you forever when you do what is good and right in the sight of the LORD your God.

Deut. 29:22. So that the coming generation of your children who rise up after you, and the foreigner who comes from a far land, would say when they see the plagues of that land and the sicknesses which the LORD has laid on it:

Deut. 30:2 and you return to the LORD your God and obey His voice, according to all that I command you today, you and your children, with all your heart and with all your soul,

Deut. 32:46, and he said to them: "Set your hearts on all the words which I testify among you today, which you shall command your children to be careful to observe—all the words of this law.


In just a few chapters of Deuteronomy, we find the phrase in God's word, "your children," showing God's concern and care for the next generations of the body of Yeshua on this earth.   We read in the book of Revelation of the great multitudes that will be gathered around the great white throne to celebrate God's judgment of the goats and the sheep.  If you want your children to be at that grand concert with you, Yeshua, and the band of angels, you and your church must refocus and restore the biblical emphasis on the next generations and your children. Get your church leadership to stop being so concerned about the financial side of the church.  God will take care of your business if you take care of His business – the future generations. 

I learned the value of children from my grandmother Rosa, raised with a silver spoon by her family, one of the richest in Bulgaria. Because they were a very orthodox Jewish family, they didn't teach their girls to read and write.  I learned from my grandmother about the children of the family:  The children are the most valuable and precious wealth a family can ever have.  The children are the future that will be with you for eternity if you and the children live a faithful and sanctified life.  You can be poor, work very hard, and have no vacations!  But, you must also work hard now to enjoy eternity with your family forever and have a picnic in the beautiful gardens of Eden.  We all must invest in eternity now and ensure that our children are with us forever. 

A few words from our Haftarah – the reading from Isaiah 54:11 – 55:5.   I have chosen to bring for you, dear brothers and sisters, the following text from our reading from the prophets:

"O you afflicted one, tossed with tempest, and not comforted, Behold, I will lay your stones with colorful gems and lay your foundations with sapphires.  I will make your pinnacles of rubies, Your gates of crystal, And all your walls of precious stones.  All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children.  In righteousness you shall be established, you shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; And from terror, for it shall not come near you.(Isaiah 54:11-14 NKJV).   

My question for you is this: Is there another nation that has such promises from the very creator and master of our universe? If you read this carefully, go to the last chapters of the Book of Revelation, and compare these words of the prophet Isaiah in the 8th Century BCE with the words of Apostle John describing the New Jerusalem, you might be surprised. 


From the reading in the New Testament, from the Gospel of John 6:35 – 40:

  "And Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst. But I said to you that you have seen Me and yet do not believe. All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out. For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing but should raise it up at the last day. And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day."   (John 6:35-40 NKJV)


The simple truth that is expressed here by Yeshua is constitutional and important.  Notice what Yeshua is saying here to his disciples.  Yeshua first and foremost spoke to his disciples in Israel in the first century CE.

These words of Yeshua apply to us today because we, too, are and must be His disciples.  We have only one mandate for salvation: to be a disciple of Yeshua. The word disciple means student, faithful follower, partner, and co-conspirator.

So, what does this mean for us today?  Stated and consequently applicable to all of us in the 21st century today are these points: 

1.     The church is not the source of our salvation. There is not one text in the Bible that says that if you attend this or that church or any church, you will be spending eternity with Yeshua and all the saints of all the generations. 

2.     The modus operandi is "Believe in Me!"  Believe in Yeshua.  Our problem is that the Christian standard to believe in Yeshua is applied to believe in what your church denomination teaches or requires from you.  Your faith and dedication are seldom directed toward Yeshua, his person, his example, his sacrifice, his teaching!  The churches don't care and don't teach so much obedience and following Yeshua.  In fact, from my observation, there is almost nothing of what Yeshua commanded that is being either encouraged or taught for those who fill the church buildings in our days.  I always point to Yeshua's command of contributing money for the poor or needy or the community's needs. 

3. Yeshua himself is not an independent agent who can do whatever he wants, as the text in John states so clearly, but we, as his 21st-century disciples, don't pay too much attention: 

"For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me."  

The implications of these words of Yeshua are so significant that I feel a compulsion to share a little more on this issue.  In churches, most of the time, God the Father is forgotten and not mentioned.  Here, we find out that Yeshua, as the Son of God, Messiah, Savior, and King of the Jews, is subordinate to the Father even after the cross and resurrection from His death.  As disciples of Christ – let us not forget that Yeshua is subordinate to the Father even in the letters of the Apostle Paul:

"But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. (1 Corinthians 11:3 NKJV)

 I just can’t say enough about the importance of every disciple of Yeshua to read the from the Torah and from the Prophets and from the New Testament at least on Shabbat – as it is commanded and recommended by the apostles for all, Jews in the synagogues and none Jewish disciples in the churches on Sunday morning and or at home. There is only one church of Christ preacher that I know for many years and consider him a friend that practiced this command on every Sunday in the church that he was preaching outside of Chicago – Dr. James Tabor!


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Your prayers for brothers and sisters you don't know personally are pure love and building of the Body of the Messiah. It is Agape Love since you are doing this without any selfish interests and casting a vote in Heaven for someone who is your brother. Still, you don't know them, and God looks at these prayers that are unselfish and genuine expressions of love and care for another link in the long chain of love and faith that binds us together even though we might not know each other in this world. 

When we all get to Heaven, it will be a joy to meet people we prayed for and sometimes even cried for. Brothers and sisters who are physically strangers but spiritually a part of the same body of Christ, I believe that one day we will have the privilege to sit together and share: "I remember praying for you to be healed!" "I remember praying for you to be safe when you were fighting in Gaza to free the hostages from the cruel hands of the terrorists of the Hamas in Gaza." 

Pray for the following brothers and sisters who need divine grace and the gentle touch of the hand of God for healing and strength.

In Jerusalem: 


new Yehuda Levi is in the hospital with stage 4 lymphoma for the fourth week.  We ask for prayers for his family.  Especially the difficult time that Elisheva is experiencing.  A reminder - in past JPL (in 2010) Yehuda is the father of Major Emmanuel Levi , who died in a tragic training exercise.

update Joseph & Marcia Shulam 

Consultation on biopsy resulted in a schedule for another test and biopsy of the stomach area..  Marcia's health needs are the same and ask for prayers to strengthen her health and memory. 

Ilana Ahijervie is a dear sister who is 98 years old and suffering from memory problems.

Please pray for our dear sister, Lea Kurkey.

Pray for Adam's father and mother, Barry and Dalia. They have some health problems and challenges.

Pray for Hannah suffering from Migraine Headaches. Miriam is a dear sister old age dementia.

Pray for Daniel S. and his children.

Pray for Gary, our dear leader in the Ro'eh Israel congregation, and his health, as well as for his wife Melanie and their family.

Pray for Um Mahmud Abu-Eid, Jimmy Abu-Eid, and all of the family. This is a dear family of old friends that needs healing and wisdom for the children and for their work.

Please pray for the Romero family, who live deep in the Negev desert. It is hot there, and they are far from our congregation, and we miss them.

In the U.K.:

Pray for Deborah Isaiah. I pray for the Lord to find Deborah Isaiah and lead her to a blessed life, family, and a solution to her problems.

In Finland: 

Mauno Lemponen has been diagnosed with cancer in advanced stages. We are asking for God's Will to be done, giving him healthy days with family—prayers for Hilka, Miika, and Ester, who support each other. 

Pray for Keijo and Salme, our dear partners and fellow workers in God's flock. Both Keijo and Salme have some challenging heart issues.

Pray for Satu-Maria, Sinni Tuuli, Anne Mirjami, our dear sisters

Pray for Eva H., Patty, Andrea, Julia, Victor, Aaron Tani, and Hillel.

In Brazil:

Max Rodrigues.  his mothers health issues.  she has stomach problems that have yet to be diagnosed.  The hospital is taking a long time to complete tests.  Pray for her salvation.  Pray for Max as he navigates a challenging period in his life.  He has confidence Gods victory in his life.

Pray for the Congregations related to Netivyah in Brazil to have the strength and stamina to face the challenges ahead of them with courage and strength of faithfulness to the Lord and to the vision of the restoration of the church and Israel.

Pray for the millions of victims of the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisition who have been forced to convert to the Catholic church and now want to return home to the land of Israel and the faith of our fathers.

Pray for a dear young man, Paulo, from Curitiba, Brazil, who seriously needs our prayers for sanity and mental health.

Pray for a dear sister named Claudia Rita Souze Arau. She has cancer and needs God's healing hands to touch her with healing. 

Pray for Fatima Maria Docarmo Guimararaes - pray for her health and her granddaughters' twin babies.

Guilherme Antonio Nothen Becker is suffering from back problems.

Aratuza de Oliveira and his wife. Pray for their 3-year-old child, Caique de Oliveira Becker, who has severe problems with his eyes, and ask the Lord to give healing to his eyes. 


In Asia:

Pray for Pastor TJ in Taiwan.

Pray for Deborah Ruth, a dear sister from China.

Pray for Sister Yoko Nagumo in Japan.

Tony Tam, his wife Luisa, and his son Marco need special prayers for their situation.

We continue to pray for Zhou Wenrian, the Abe family, Toru San, Yumi Ohara, and her family: Deborah Ruth, Ayla, Daniel, and their daughter. 

Pray for Dr. Song and his wife, Sister Harriet Kim and the KIBI Ministry.

in Denmark

Gurli has reached out and asked for prayers to deal with persecution they are facing.  However the request for family members to know Yeshua is a heavy concern for a mother and father.   When our influence is struggling the prayers of the body strength us.


In the United States of America:

Sarah Sacks has received the news that she has aggressive carcinoma.  I am asking that you raise your prayers for Jonathan & Sarah as they begin the road of diagnosis and treatment for Cancer.  However we believe in the power of healing that only God can provide.

Elisheva is studying for passing Financial certifications in September.  Please pray for calmness in her studies and confidence in passing her exams next month. also for health and her household.

Jerry Rogers - a long time prayer warier and supporter in Dallas has been diagnosed with cancer.  he is starting treatments and we lift up his doctors and medical team & family in prayer.  

Larry is asking for prayers for his grandchildren.  I would say most of us that have grandchildren are concerned about the states of the world.  The state of intolerance.  The temptations out there.  Please pray for the holy sprit to guide them in making good choices.

Bill C. is doing well.  I received wonderful news that his cancer markers continue to trend to the normal states.  A true answer to prayers.  Please pray a thanks to God and continue to ask for success of the treatments..

Please continue to pray for the daughter of Bill Culwell, who is sick with cancer and is receiving a new third round of treatment. Please pray for success and healing.

Brother Philip Slate and his wife. She is suffering from several physical and mental health challenges.  

Barbra and  Angie in Alaska. Barbra has some pains and discomfort related to old age. Please lift them in prayer for strength and reduction in pain.

Jonathan Bernis is continuing recovery from a liver transplant. Please pray for Elisangela and the girls and the doctors and nurses attending our dear brother Jonathan Bernis. 

Please pray for Danah, my daughter's health issues. I pray for the Lord to give Danah wisdom, peace, and calm in life and her work.

Aaron Hook, Nancy Hook's oldest son, needs our prayers for wisdom and healing from past life issues.

Lift for blessing and healing Jonathan B., his wife Aviva, their new baby, his mother, and his brother Daniel. 

Pray for these important men of God: Rabbi Salt, his family, and Rabbi Hasselblad. They are both older and need protection and blessings.

Also, pray for Ilana Avramov, who is married to my cousin Nissim and lives in New York City. Ilana has fallen and is now in rehab, learning how to walk again. We pray for her full recovery. She and Nissim both need our prayers. 

Pray for Steve Mock - His cognitive condition has declined, and we ask for the grace of God and His Healing and strength.   Steve and Josie's son Joseph has received a wonderful and glorious report. After the last bone marrow transplant, the report is that the doctors didn't find any leukemia in his body! Praise the Lord!

I am asking for a special prayer for a dear brother and friend who is now doing very important work in a very dangerous and precarious part of the world. Just mention DadyLion in your prayers and ask for divine protection and angelic accompaniment for this man of God. 

For updates or requests please email us


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