You ever have one of those days? afternoons? weeks? month? year?

I think we can all safely say that yes we have had one! My afternoon looked like this:
I leave for a hair cut appt set for 2PM. I start to leave at 1:15 and get in my van and low and behold its sitting on EMPTY with the gas light on red! Yep, Barry didnt fill the car again. Its actually a long standing funny... (he will get it). I had to get out of my van and go back inside and get the keys for his car parked in the garage. Well I go to back out and my van (which is outside) is too close to Barry's car to pull out. So here I go again, back to the van to move it five feet forward to get the other car out. You would think that was it, huh? Nope, my brother calls in the middle of all of it and of course I answered.
Let's just top this off.. My usual route to the hair salon has been blocked by road construction that lead me down cow paths to get back on the right route. I am very fortunate that I left early for this haircut that now I am certain I should have just cancelled and then proceeded to crawl back in bed until tomorrow rolls around.
It happens to everyone. I know. 15 minutes of frustration and the throwing up of hands. "Why me, and why right now?"
The key to turning such a day around is in how you frame it in your mind. I could have run back in the house and screamed at Barry for the injustice of it all. But, no, I persevered and got on my way and shrugged it off. Barry and I say there is always a reason for these kinds of delays. God watches over His beloved ones. And I think too, He also looks down on us and gets a good laugh at our comedy.