Copyright 2024
Barry Shulam
In 2010 - Searching for the Marranos
Netivyah held the first international conference to restore the lost heritage of the Marranos, these Jews that were forced to convert to Catholicism.
These Jews who were given new christian names were forced to leave their identities and customs as Jews. They kept them in secret for generations. A descendant of these Jews Antonio Cunha owned a bedding store on the main square in Belmonte, Portugal.
He sang us a Passover song about the Chosen People of Israel crossing the river Jordan.
Even in 2010, there were individual who were afraid to public speak about being jewish or having jewish customs. Some had family customs that they did not know there roots.
We met people who told of lighting shabbat candles in clay pots to hide the light.
In April 2024
We are entering a new period of unrest in the United States where Jews are again concerned about expressing their identities and customs.
I ask you can christians stand silent and permit racism and antisemitism and hate take hold again?
Can Christians be silent in 2024?
Now more than ever the message of Jesus, King of the Jews is needed in the world.
Speak up.
Don't let Jewish Hate sound louder than your voices.
Don't be silent.
If they can silence you today - they can silence Jesus tomorrow.
If you don't make your voices and support visible today it will be too late when Christianity is silenced tomorrow.