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A Special Message on the immediate dangers to the state of Israel and the Jews worldwide. Plus, God’s end-time program!

Writer's picture: Barry ShulamBarry Shulam

Please watch the video first.

Dear brothers and sisters in Israël and around the world!   

The video presents a story from the deepest Asian Mongolian plains that has a deep, timeless, and true message that right now these days is most powerful!    What is the message and the imperative of this true reality?   Israel has experienced the worst possible bloody blow, physically, politically, and emotionally since the reestablishment of the state of Israel in 1948. 

 Here is a short list of the demoralizing results of the massacre on October 7, 2023.   

More than 1300 people ( mostly young adults) were murdered in the worst possible scenarios.   It would be too grotesque and tragic to describe the type of death that the enemy used. I must, however, list the who, how, and why the enemy used these tactics: 

  •  Women, both young and old, were gang raped, and during the rape, their bodies where mutilated. 

  •  Parents were forced to watch their babies killed. 

  • Families were locked in their houses and set on fire.  

  • Young soldiers just recently recruited were caught sleeping and beheaded.  The heads were carried and taken to Gaza to be used as wartime war prizes.  

Hamas terrorists were trained and equipped with go-pro cameras, and these events were filmed and glorified in Gaza and throughout the Arab world:   Israel as a nation, both internally and internationally, is to some degree like the horse exhausted stuck in the muddy swamp.  Friends and disciples of the Messiah from around the world mobilized to provide tactical equipment for our soldiers on the front lines of battle in Gaza.  Equipment that normally the government ought to have taken care of, but the government was busy trying, first and foremost, to overthrow Israel’s supreme court authority and give the parliament endless power to pass any law without limiting the power of the majority.  Preoccupied with itself and ignoring everything, including the most basic needs of our men in uniform.   The noble steed (horse) named Israel by God’s angel in the battle with Jacob in the middle of the river Yabock was stuck deep in the swamp, demoralized, exhausted, weak, and hopeless.   

Friends of Israël, Christians from around the world, suddenly see Israël deep in the mud, weak and desperate and demoralized.  Our military needs basic equipment like modern helmets and ceramic bulletproof vests, go-pro cameras and tactical drones, Lederman toolsets, hot meals from time to time, and fresh socks, warm clothing for cold and wet nights….   Like the herd of horses in the Mongolian video, surrounded our military with generosity of love.   

The gifts were and are important, much needed physically, and greatly appreciated by the men on the battlefields.

Dear brothers and sisters from around the world, disciples of the King of the Jews who was from before creation and is now at the right hand of THE FATHER,  please don’t stop surrounding and encouraging Netivyah with prayers and financial support. 

 You have two options for sharing this partnership: one of the oldest Jewish ministries of disciples of Yeshua, the Messiah in Israel and the world. 

  1. Netivyah Bible Instruction Ministry, an Israeli NGO in Jerusalem.

  2. Netivyah International in Mount Juliet, TN., a 501(c) 3 Registered Charity in the United States.

 Please remember that if you are a citizen of the United States and want an IRS tax deduction, send your contribution earmarked for the need you are contributing to!  Every contribution will go only to the need that you earmarked in Israël.  

Of course, prayers are first because, without faith and a blessing from heaven, the real value of your gifts in this physical world and the more important eternal values would be lost.  Don’t stop running around the weakness of the horse stuck in the mud in the swamp

Here is a list of battlefields that need your prayer, intercession, and financial support.  Please remember that THE LORD grades us never in absolute terms, always in relative proportion.  Don’t forget that the poor old widow women who gave two cents gave more in God’s eyes than the rich Pharisees. 

 Every need locally in Israël is important. Netivyah Bible Instruction Ministry is at the heart of humanitarian needs in the state of Israel.  Here is a list of needs for Netivyah in Israel.   We hope that in 2024, these ministries will not have to decrease some of the community’s care due to insufficient resources.  

1) The Hamotzi Food program. 

2) Scholarships for messianic students in Israeli academic institutions. 

3) Houses for Healing

4) Israel At War Fund

5) Additional Training for Staff members in the Netivyah office.

At Netivyah International, we have realized that the world has not changed with the establishment of the state of Israel and that Satan has not been sleeping.   Hamas in Gaza and the other terrorists around the world have been sharpening their teeth and preparing internationally for the elimination of Israel and the Jewish nation worldwide.   The events and massacre of October 7th, 2023, have revealed that Satan and his evil impetus have awakened worldwide and mobilized.  Every lie and hate gland around the world has opened against not only Israel but every Jewish community worldwide.  The evidence is clear and not hidden by worldwide terrorist organizations.   Israel has been, from its very beginning, a target for elimination by nations and countries who have had idolatry in their DNA.   Start with Egypt in the days of Moses and go north to Assyria and Babylon and the Greeks and Romans and crusades and the Catholic Church in the inquisition worldwide, Germany in World War II, and the Arabs and now Iran (old Persia) and it’s proxy Hamas and Hezbollah from Lebanon.  

The only real friends that Israel has are the Bible-believing Christians around the world.  Netivyah International has set a goal to do everything within our power to do the following: 

1). Teach the word of God in its historical context and from the Jewish background This is an enriching experience for our Christian brothers and sisters because what has been served in traditional Protestant churches is what the leaders acquired from seminaries and universities of Christian denominations.  We must enter this battle internationally by producing material, sharing news, publishing, and hosting international conferences, like the one that, together with our beloved faithful brothers in Brazil, plan to have at the end of March in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

We have had such conferences for the last decades. Still, now we must augment and increase these efforts because of the current situation and the increasing tsunami of Jewish hate and Israeli hate around the world.  

We will, the Lord willing, have this conference at the end of March this year with the first-time participation of the leadership of the UMJC.  For years, we have pioneered the battle to restore the victims of the Catholic Church between the 15th Century CE and 1821 CE.  Jews around the world were forced to convert by force to Catholicism.

 I urge you to see the following two videos of a conference held with the leadership of our Brazilian brothers in the Har Zion Congregation in Belo Horizonte.  Please take the time and watch these two sessions of our conference:  

 2). Exposing the evil and deception of Antisemitism with clear biblical principles. 

This is a big order and a very big challenge for us and for you!  It will take major inspiration, influence, investment of dedicated men and women, and sacrifices of time and money.  It will take much money to produce, publish, expose the bad, enhance the good, bless the blessed, and drive the darkness with Yeshua, the world’s Light.  Keep praying and fighting against the growing Antisemitism in the streets of Europe, South and North America, and on university and college campuses.  Please also share your financial gifts, no matter how small or large.  

 3). Mobilization of faithful disciples of Jesus to help fight the end-time battle for Israël.  The mobilization of faithful bible believers worldwide in fighting antisemitism and standing for Israel is something that we feel is an essential component of our faith in Yeshua.  How could we be disciples of Yeshua, THE KING OF THE JEWS, and allow the Jews to be persecuted, killed, and raped, and destroyed off the face of God’s Earth? 

But now that we have together helped with the physical things that our military needed, it is time urgently to go to the most important battle worldwide - the battle of truth against lies - the battle of love against hate - the battle of faith against infidelity - the battle of brotherhood against enmities - the battle of peace against wars - the battle of light against darkness - salvation against perdition and damnation - the battle of Christ (messiah) against Satan…. 

We are all preparing the Body of the Messiah, Son of David, and Son of Abraham, for Yeshua’s return to Jerusalem and reign!  

3). The Children's Home in Jerusalem is a project that Netivyah International has been supporting in the past years. This year the impact of the war has resulted in the children needing extra care and love to cope with the fears that war brings.  This would be a great Sunday school class project.

4.)  Continue to assist Netivyah Bible Instruction Ministry in funding its ongoing humanitarian efforts.

Netivyah International has partnered with Jerusalem for over 20 years.  We will continue to be a major contributor to the humanitarian efforts in Israel.

Many brothers and sisters have given sacrificially with financial assistance to our soldiers on the battlefield in Gaza.  For this, the Israeli military is extremely grateful. Your gifts have made an indelible and incredibly deep impression not only on the soldiers themselves but on a much wider circle of friends and families and even on Israeli military and government officials.  This war and your gifts have changed impressions and attitudes among everyone who has seen the true altruistic gifts of Love that you have shared from Asia to Oceania to North and South America.  

This is one of the very few times in more than 65 years of ministry in Israel and worldwide that I am asking for your financial assistance for our local programs in Israel that are very important for our witness and Yeshua’s place in this country. 

 But also now and urgently for the big, universal battle against Antisemitism.   Pro-Israel and pro-love of all mankind against hate of anyone created in the image and form of the Almighty Himself.   

Joseph Shulam 

P.S.  I am sure that Netivyah Bible Instruction Ministry will join the international battle of Netivyah International as soon as the dust of war settles and Israel recovers from the shock and horrors of the events that started on October 7, 2023. Netivyah Bible Instruction Ministry is our home base.  Please provide support with your love and faith to keep the projects in Israel increasing and not decreasing.  For all I state again, The LORD grades us relative to who we are and what we can and want to do!  

Remember that the widow’s two cents were as valuable and even more valuable eternally than the wealthy Pharisee’s 1000 dinars!  Please give only what you can, only when you can, and only out of your love for God and His Kingdom!



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