Joseph Shulam
Since his acceptance of Yeshua as the Messiah in 1962, Joseph has committed his life to the restoration of the Biblical faith of the 1st Century CE, where Jewish and Gentile believers worshipped together and where Jewish believers continued in their cultural traditions and worship practices. His unique perspective as an Israeli Jewish believer in Yeshua has taken him all over the world to preach the Good News of Yeshua and teach the Restoration message.

1946 Joseph is born in Sophia, Bulgaria to Baruch and Dora Shulam.
1947 The Shulam Family emigrates to Israel and settles in Jerusalem.
1962: Joseph studies the New Testament as part of a history assignment and questions the roots of Christianity. He meets Church of Christ missionaries Ernest Stewart and Ralph Henley, He accepts Yeshua as Messiah and is baptized in the Mediterranean Sea. His family puts him out of their home.
1963-64 Completes High School and Georgia Christian School, Valdosta, Georgia.
1964-67 Studies at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem Israel. Degrees in Biblical Archeology and Bible.
1967-68 Attends Michigan Christian College and David Lipscomb College. At David Lipscomb he meets Marcia Saunders. They marry in September 1968.

​1962: Joseph studies the New Testament as part of a history assignment and questions the roots of Christianity. He meets Church of Christ missionaries Ernest Stewart and Ralph Henley, He accepts Yeshua as Messiah and is baptized in the Mediterranean Sea. His family puts him out of their home.
1963-64 Completes High School and Georgia Christian School, Valdosta, Georgia.
1964-67 Studies at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem Israel. Degrees in Biblical Archeology and Bible.​

​1969 Joseph and Marcia sail to Israel to being their ministry. Their son Barry is born.
1971 Their daughter Danah is born.
1970-74 Joseph enters Rabbinical studies at Diaspora Yeshiva in Jerusalem. Joseph meets Moshe Emanuel Ben-Meir and together form the fellowship of Roeh Israel meeting at the Baptist House in Jerusalem.

2003 Netivyah USA is formed.
2009 1st Conference on the B'Nei Annusim in Castelo de Vide, Portugal
2018 Joseph and Marcia's 50th Wedding Anniversary
2019 2nd Conference on the B'Nei Annusim in Castelo de Vide, Portugal.
2020 Netivyah celebrates its 40th Anniversary