Board of Directors

Barry Shulam was born in 1969 in Tel Aviv, Israel just months after Joseph and Marcia emigrated. Barry started his service at Netivyah translating Bible study at Roeh Israel from Hebrew to English. He graduated high school in the United States and attended Abilene Christian College and Tennessee Technological University. In 1998, Barry created the first website for Netivyah and in 2003 was a founding member of NetivyahUSA. Active in the technology field for most of his adult career, Barry transitioned to head Netivyah International in 2023. Barry has been commissioned to work alongside his father to teach and preach for the Kingdom.

Marcia Saunders Shulam was born in 1948 In Panama City, Florida, Her family moved many times during her childhood and she lived in Tennessee, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. In 1967, she met Joseph Shulam at David Lipscomb College. They married in September 1968. Marcia has from that day forward been a partner with Joseph in the ministry they established. There is no better example of a woman of valor.

Wife and partner in ministry with Matheus Zandona Guimaraes. Her interests lie in women's ministry and the history of Sephardic cooking. Instagram: sabordesiao

Leader of the Har Tzion Congregation (Belo Horizonte, MG)
President of the Teaching Ministry of Zion – Brazil
Regional Director of UMJC (Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations)

Hava and Jimmy McClintock
Hava was born and raised in Israel (a sabra). JImmy was born in Texas and over the years they have lived in the USA and Israel.
Jimmy and Hava were early pioneers working with individuals and Ministry leaders helping them understand the importance of buildng relationships between the two communities during a time when Israel wasn’t a topic of interest among Christians.
Jimmy holds a Bachelor of Arts in Ancient History with an emphasis in Early Rabbinic Judaism and the beginnings of Christianity from the State University of New York’s (SUNY) University system’s extension in Jerusalem.
They have two married children and three grandchildren.

Yehuda was born in Jerusalem in 1979, into a believing family and was born into the community of Netivyah. He served in the army as a sniper in the paratroopers, and after his release and some odd jobs, he began working in Netivyah Bible Instruction Ministry as a youth counselor and overseer for the Hamotzi soup kitchen / food distribution project. He currently serves as deputy director of Netivyah and one of the elders of the “Ro'eh Israel” congregation. He is married to Lydia, and they have three children.