The Antisemitism Initiative
Free Presentations
Blog Posts
Various writings regarding Antisemitism and Arab-Jewish Relations

Explore the concept of 'Election' and its role in addressing anti-Semitism within the Church. How does G-d's choice of a people impact salvation?

Discover the courageous story of Amfian Gerasimov, a righteous soul who risked his life to save Jews during the Holocaust. A testament to faith and selflessness.
Discover the ancient roots of 'Shalom' and explore how to achieve peace in the Middle East. Understand the historical, religious, and cultural complexities.

Has God rejected His people? Unraveling the complex relationship between God and Israel. Joseph Shulam explores the theological truth in Romans 11:1.

Explore the roots of Christian Antisemitism and its impact on history. Uncover the biblical context and the obligation to eradicate racial prejudice.
- what is it?
Delve into the roots of 'antisemitism' and its true meaning. Explore the history and implications of this issue in a thought-provoking blog post.